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Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Limits the Authority of Local Leaders Around Mask Mandates

Public Democracy America

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp recently signed an executive order that would prevent local officials from requiring businesses to enact Covid-related mandates and other restrictions, even as the Delta variant continues to surge across the South.

Georgia has recorded its highest case counts and hospitalizations totals since late January. Moreover, the state has one of the country's lowest vaccination rates, with less than 40 percent of the population having been fully inoculated.

Kemp is among several GOP governors in recent months who have moved to limit the authority of local officials to implement new mask mandates and vaccination requirements, stating, “...Georgians know the risk of Covid-19, and they also know how to go about their lives," he said. "That's why the executive order I signed today will ensure that businesses cannot be forced to follow local government ordinances regarding Covid-19. Local governments will not be able to force businesses to be the city's mask police."

As for the schools, Kemp is leaving the decision about whether or not to mask up to the individual school districts. Consequently, the city of Atlanta and Georgia school districts do have such mandates in place.

#Maskup.gov does urge all Georgia citizens to wear a mask. The website states: Covering your nose and mouth greatly reduces your chances of spreading the virus and also provides protection for you. But wearing a mask is most effective when everyone does it, so encourage your loved ones to wear one, too.

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